56% Have A Favorable View Of the FBI


Fifty-six percent (56%) have a favorable view of the FBI, while 38% have an unfavorable view. The Department of Justice is viewed similarly with 54% favorability, and 38% unfavorable. The IRS is the most unfavorable of these government departments with 38% having a favorable view, and 55% unfavorable.



Those who favor Trump like policies are slightly out of sync with the rest of the country - with the FBI only having 41% favorability, DOJ with 44% favorability, and the IRS with 30% favorability. This is an important reminder to the Trump administration that while its base may have negative views on a number of government agencies, the majority of the county still has favorable views on the work being done.

The Napolitan News Service surveys of 1,000 Registered Voters was conducted online by Scott Rasmussen December 16-17, 2024. Field work for the survey was conducted by RMG Research, Inc. and has a margin of error of +/- 3.1.

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