Counterpolling Defined


Most political polls frame questions and use language that comes straight from a Georgetown cocktail party. Counterpolling® provides data that serves as an antidote to such inside-the-Beltway groupthink. By framing our questions in language that connects with everyday Americans, we lift up the voices of the American people so that they can be heard in the halls of power. Our results frequently reveal the blind spots of the political elite and provide a road map for messaging that resonates with voters.

It is important to note that this technique has nothing to do with the methodology of conducting the poll. Instead, it is all about the wording of the questions and the type of questions asked.

Another aspect of Counterpolling is to ask the questions that others don't think to ask, or aren't willing to ask. After a systematic review of existing public polling data, issues are considered from a different perspective, appropriate questions are designed, and a public opinion survey is deployed. We often ask the same initial questions as other pollsters and then follow up with additional questions from a different perspective. The results often reveal nuances that are not apparent in other data, and provide a solid foundation for further analysis. Taking a fresh approach provides valuable insights. 

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