31% Support a Plan For Immigration Reform That Includes Deportation And A Pathway To Citizenship


Thirty-one percent (31%) of voters support a plan for comprehensive immigration reform that includes both deportation and a pathway to citizenship. A Napolitan News Service survey found that 34% would support a plan including deportation, but no pathway to citizenship. Twenty-four percent (24%) support a plan with a pathway to citizenship, but not with deportation. Eleven percent (11%) would support a plan that includes neither.

Put it all together and 65% support deportation and 55% support a pathway to citizenship.

Most Republicans (51%) support deportation only while 36% support both deportation and a pathway.

Among Democrats, 40% support providing a pathway to citizenship but not deportation. Twenty-nine percent (29%) of Democrats support both.

The Napolitan News Service surveys of 1,000 Registered Voters was conducted online by Scott Rasmussen November 18-19, 2024. Field work for the survey was conducted by RMG Research, Inc. and has a margin of error of +/- 3.1.

Post Type: NNS Poll Result
Post Tags: Immigration

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