59% Believe it is Possible to Preserve a Woman's Right to Choose AND Reduce Abortions


Fifty-nine percent (59%) of voters believe it is possible to both preserve a woman's right to choose AND reduce the number of abortions in America, only 22% disagree. A Napolitan News Service survey of 1,000 registered voters found that there was no difference between the political parties on this question.

Among politicians, Republicans and Democrats have championed one side or the other on this issue. Voters, on the other hand, believe it is possible to both support women AND support new life. This is yet another example of the political world being far more divided than American society.

Polling done earlier this year found that voters overwhelmingly believe that reducing the number of abortions would be good for America. Voters also strongly believe that a women's right to choose must be protected while believing that the choice should be made early.

Importantly, most voters recognize that helping women in difficult situations will lead to fewer abortions. The divisiveness over this issue is fueled by the failure of political leaders to listen clearly to the American people.

These Napolitan News Service survey of 1,000 Registered Voters were conducted online by Scott Rasmussen on September 11-12, 2024. Field work for the survey was conducted by RMG Research, Inc.

Post Type: NNS Poll Result
Post Tags: Abortion

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